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  • Hi! Hi had a little experience with silos and I encountered problems with leg joints, wind and local buckling (EN1991-EN1998 loads for seismic actions). Less problem with discharge loads, but could depend from type of bulk material. If you are worki…
  • I tried! Sometimes it runs because the nodes are very closed (2/3 mm tolerance). Other times it degenerates the mesh
  • It's worst...all surfaces are separated.
  • Let's skip the case of free 3D mesh or automatic mesh in general. Below an example of a structure. Node numbering, because of the manual construction of the model is not rational. Renumbering with a rule (i.e. XYZ priority) means that the base nodes…
  • For 2D (plane zy in the simulation) I found an acceptable solution. In the attached model node 28 (CoM) is vertical respect the suspension point. At the end of simulation the node displacement on y direction is very closed to the initial y-coordinat…
  • I tried to apply Rayleigh damping but not to the rigidity (beta coefficient). I tried with some value of alfa (proportional to the mass) and for this first test I found the equilibrium position with good agreement with the theoretical (sling mass = …
  • We are speaking about 3/4° inclination of the spreader beam negleting the beam mass. For greater inclination is necessary to change the length of the primary suspension I started from the attached model (is like a simple pendulum) where I know what…
  • Different sections are disconnected...try view -> open crack...after that mesh tools -> merge nearby nodes e try again
  • I didn't think about "extrude"...maybe because after many years using CAD softwares minds about copy option. Same consideration for copy one or more element from one node to another: select-> click start node -> click end node could be useful.
  • With border runs
  • I think that "extrude" command generates degenerated elements
  • Ok...but changing elements shape from linear to quadratic, did you changed manually the coordinate of mid side nodes or there is a trick?
  • Problem is related to apply parabolic pressure distribution to a partial hole inner face. In this case the face forms an angle of 90°. Hole center, for pressure equation, should be 0,0,0. On attached image the theory behind
  • I agree with Sergio. NL solver for pure shell elements or beams could be useful. I notice that internal solver is more quckly on the latest versions...Is it true?
    in Version 24 Comment by Andrea March 2024
  • Ok also the second load must be shifted of 25/1000 s (25 mm half width and 1000 mm/s) For deformations, avoiding C3D20 for too nodes model, is better C3D8I than C3D8. The last is too stiff.
  • Applying the moving load proposed by @disla ( Amplitude*heaviside((v*(t-t0))-(x-width/2))*heaviside((x+width/2)-(v*(t-t0))) ) I found good agreement with results obtained from structural software (only beam elements) with moving load. Loads are ap…
  • For what I know the problem to prepare the mesh because the stress should be calculated at assigned distance from the hot spot (extrapolation points). The position of the extrapolation points depends from plate thickness. After that must be made an…
  • I looked at this model I noted a strange behaviour of shear stress. It's unreliable in therms of value and distribution. Maybe is better to use shell elements.
  • Yes, it will be recognized as pyr15
  • this manner if the model presents holes these are depicted. At this point if Salome would convert pyramid elements as collapsed Hex8 (4 coincident nodes) we will obtain a regular mesh into Mecway. Interesting! I try to suggest it into Salome…
  • PS if someone have patience could check this model where initial mesh was a linear one and I change elements shape into Mecway (Tet4->Tet10; Pyr5->Pyr13-Wedge6->wedge15; Hex8->Hex20) and merging the nodes with 0 tolerance Regards
  • As we know Salome creates pyramid elements at the interface between Hexa and tetrahedral elements but it doesn't export pyramid elements (unv format). I noted that Salome warnings appear only if you export first order mesh. Exporting second order me…
  • The doubt about the interpretation was born when I read the following site That gives an unclear interpretation #Testing Thanks, Andrea
  • Ok! With ccx_pardiso I have a solution of more than 650k nodes model in 3 minutes PS After one year I completely remove from my mind ccx_pardiso. Too much work hurts!
  • Could you try with spooles? Thanks
  • I try to run my model on i9 9450x - Nvidia Quadro P4000 and 64 Gb RAM workstation. Visualization is fluid also refinig mesh to about 1M nodes
  • @Victor wrote: It needs a (un)suppress in all configurations option too. Better! Yes, same display setting. I tried again a solution with bonded contact and new RAM modules until 32Gb. Applying constraint step occupies until 24 Gb RAM (only for M…
  • OK...I think that all Mecway users are waiting for next release. I have a issue with several load combinations because Mecway, when you are adding a new load, automatically makes this load active for all load configurations. I think that is better …
  • I switched from i7 to Ryzen7 2700x some months ago. For FEA solver is faster than i7 6700 (about 30% less time). I found a problem with Virtualbox. In fact is impossible to install a OS. But I employed few time, so I never found the issue. Maybe be…
  • Thanks! I saw that the problem is related to bonded contact. I have created a single step file and the solution time is acceptable with less memory usage: About 300k nodes -> Linear static analysis with internal solver -> about 13 minutes wit…

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