You can define a temperature dependent material by entering the *MATERIAL keyword block in Material properties -> CCX. See the CCX manual for details of how to write that.
For time dependence without temperature dependence, you can use temperatu…
There isn't a fluid material (except for acoustics), but you can approximate a compressible fluid using a solid with very low shear modulus. Use the orthotropic material type to define shear modulus separately from Young's modulus.
Unfortunately reaction forces (and external forces) aren't available with dynamic response with the internal solver or CCX, but only with OpenRadioss. OpenRadioss via Mecway doesn't currently have line pressure, pinned support, or constraint equatio…
Before solving, define a named selection or component with the faces or elements to use. After solving add one of the mean or integral items and choose that named selection / component and the field variable to integrate or average over it.
It's probably slow because mw.component_elements() searches all elements to find ones belonging to the specified component.
When you have a lot of components, it should be faster to iterate over all elements once and accumulate the number for each …
At each node of an element face, it evaluates the following integral using Gauss quadrature:
i is the node.
N_i is the face's shape function for node i.
phi is the heat flux you specified.
If more than one face shares a node, Mecway sums the h…
Not yet, sorry. I'm not sure the best approach. I hope to avoid another global parameter and prefer to find a suitable fixed value. There's the Arpack default that the internal solver uses but I'm concerned that might be too small for some case in C…
The internal solver's beams assume shear center = centroid, so they're not really correct for asymmetric sections. The general section doesn't necessarily correspond to any rectangle though because you can define I and A in a way that isn't a rectan…
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. Looks like a good way would be:
Top priority: Global text note field that gets written to the top of the CCX/OpenRadioss input files too.
Lower priority: Configurable title block
Lowest priority: Text notes on…
It doesn't currently have any functions to select things. Do you want to select them then exit the script so that selection is available in the GUI, or do some script things on the selection? If the latter, then you can keep a list of faces in the s…
A few other issues besides the collapsed hexes Sergio identified:
1. Nodes of the slave surface, which includes the axis nodes, typically can't have constraints. They don't need them anyway because they're tied to the master surface.
2. An excepti…
There are still only 3 elements around the 180 degree cone at the vertex so it's still coarse/highly curved there.
To be honest, I never pay attention to the output of Netgen, nor understand it. It might just be saying that it found a special case …
Sorry about that. I don't know why it got stuck. Might need a page reload or cache clear.
I've added the .FCStd extension to files allowed for attachments.
Those thick lines in unexpected places can be a hint that the mesh is disconnected but they don't generally mean that. They're just placed where there's a large angle between adjacent faces. That's typically on actual edges but when the mesh is coar…
That's interesting. It seems like CCX avoids you having to specify convergence criteria by using ratios with the whole model. So it does sound suspicious if you have some other part that skews the test.
The way I solve mysterious convergence proble…
Yea that's right elastic support connects to ground so springs may be more realistic if the parts move together. Ideally, you'd use such low stiffness that it doesn't matter but that might not always be possible.
It does sound strange that 0-stiffn…
It looks like the common problem of rigid body motion of unconstrained parts. To reliably converge, the rod should be constrained in all 6 degrees of freedom. Elastic support with both normal and tangential stiffness (tangential stiffness is zero he…
I'm not sure the best way this should work. I wonder if you two or anyone else could suggest how it might look? Some thoughts:
1. One notes field for the whole model?
2. Plain text, or allowing images and/or formatting, even embedding some other d…
I'm not sure what those warnings mean. I didn't know there was a DOF 0 in CCX. Normally there are similar but different warnings for nodes that aren't connected by the contact, such as if one surface extends beyond the edge of the other, which is ha…
Since you've already scaled it up enough to avoid the negative Jacobian error, I don't think there's any value in scaling it up beyond that. It might push something over the limit in the other direction.
Pyramids are mostly bad for boundary conditi…
I'm not seeing the 0.05 s offset you described - maybe it's just when the display changes as you slide the slider?
However, after 0.7 s, the time values in the solution deviate from 0.1 s increments. That's because the the solution time steps are r…
With Mecway, the solver converts everything to the same units for solving anyway so 1000 mm ends up numerically the same as 1 m.
However, you could scale everything so that it's numerically smaller/bigger, like specifying 1 mm for something that's …
That's certainly not normal. I'm not sure what could have caused it. Maybe Move/copy of faces, deleting elements with CTRL+DEL, or quadratic quad dominant shell meshes with Gmsh which generates midface nodes, and then remeshing which generates more …
Thanks @Fatmac. It looks like the accuracy parameter fixes it. I get a reliable 88.88 1st mode with 1e-5 whether requesting 1 mode or 3. This is with the MKL solver and no Pastix but I did see a difference without setting accuracy (89.01 and 88.88).…