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  • Just wanted to say congratulations for 10 years providing and developing of Mecway. You did a great job and I hope you'll continue for years. Thank's
  • Hello I am about to continue my heating project. I was able to calculate the current distribution. But now I get the following error message during the heating calculation "Element has incorrect topology" (see picture). Unfortunately, the erroneous…
  • Hello Victor, thank you for the quick response. Good to know that I am going the right way.
  • I am running ccx_dynamic.exe (2.21_4) having the following dll's in the same folder as ccx_dynamics.exe libiomp5md.dll, mkl_avx2.2.dll, mkl_avx512.2.dll, mkl_core.2.dll, mkl_intel_thread.2.dll, and mkl_rt.2.dll.
  • Is it possible to make the red background of internal solver message not in that bright red color? It makes it difficult to read the text
  • Calling an external program via phyton script The following lines shows how to call an external program (EXE) from within Mecway using a phyton script. The BS.EXE is located in a chosen directory, a input file say "a.inp" (here some mesh data creat…
  • Hello Victor, thanks for your reply. Yes, it seems to ne the "\" problem, subprocess.call("C:\\temp\\test.exe") works well subprocess.call("C:/temp/test.exe") works well, too Can you suggest a good reference about ironphyton to?
  • @JohnM you are right. If a solution for running external programs becomes more clear I can post the final way in that API post.
  • Hello Victor thank you very much for your information. I tried the following: test.exe is a small program like "Hello world" compiled with both Freebasic and Fortran, it also applies to a more complex Fortran program with graphics output. So it shou…
  • hello currently it is not possible to call external programs using the API functions, isn't it. Is there a way I can create the program in Fortran, and then call that exe from Iron Python? Are there any plans to include such functions? Saving file…
  • Thank you JohnM for that nice presentation, I am happy to see that others find it also valuable. Thx
  • Hi JohnM thank you for your suggesions for modelling bolted joins. May I ask some simple questions to your points 1, 4 and 5 1- Create a library of bolt models using hex elements (these make stretching easy). How did you generate the Hex mesh…
  • Is it possible to replace the version of netgen comming with Mecway (i mean use it from inside Mecway) or must it be used as standalone program. For gmsh there is a way the user can select the path to his prefered gmsh release.
  • is there a direct link to that source? :-)
  • Thank you prop_design and disla for your contributions. Thanks i'll check them out. I looked to the links and again tank you. It gives a good overview and may help me to find paramters faster :-)
  • Hello based on some discussion about mesher likenetgen or gmesh I started tp play with the programms. Unfortunately I didn't find good manuals explaining how the menue options have to be used and what are the parameters are standing for. Does someo…
  • Thank You JohnM for making a Python script to create center node of circle between 3 points. I am happy that you found the source in good old FORTRAN, I still use it and love it, clear straight and fast :-) The only programming language that allow…
  • Thank you Victor for your answer. That may be an option. I have to play around with Python
  • I was just playing around with Mesh tools → Insert node between to create a node at the centroid of the selected nodes. It would be nice if that could also be used to set a node on the center of a circle. At time it doesn't do. Is a nice to have…
  • Hi Victor That sounds great. We all are keen to see how the fantastic tool developes well. We hopefully get an C-virus-free Version 14.0 :-)
  • @3rav Thank you
  • There may be different ways to make the calculation 1) loading an assembly That means for me all individual parts are made to one single part. Take care that all beam ends are well conneted to each other, otherwise you'll get in troble while meshing…
  • @3rav I have downloaded the solvers from https://www.dropbox.com/s/zd7fj0ceaj8j44n/CalculiX.7z?dl=0 This archive contains the ccx version linked to SPOOLES, PARADISO and PASTIX (ccx_PASTIXandPARDISO.exe). I could run all the solvers. But for Pasti…
  • Hello JohnM can you please explain a bit more what you mean. Thx
  • Thank you Robert and Victor, I will try to continue ;-)
  • Today I tried to do a calculation in which a round pipe is brought into a rectangular shape at one end. The tube is pressed into shape by an upper and a lower tool. I modeled a non-linear material behavior for the pipe. Unfortunately, I was only abl…
  • Are there any plans to make Step command available for definition of loads and constraints? thanks
  • Thank You for sharing!
  • :-) Hello JohnM, yes you are right. It is a trivial matter. It was only a nice to have suggestion
  • There are now several solvers available for CCX (standard, paradiso, pastix...), would it be a big issue to make it possible to have a selection between some solvers. Tools-->Options-->Calculix--> [ ] Solver(1) e.g. CCX_2.17 …
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