The pyramids are occasionally cursed. I have had problems with this using the local refine, mostly on structural stuff. With this being a thermal and only 1DOF/node, can you get away with refining the whole model?
Victor can say for sure but I think this is just a viewing problem. Occasionally see a difference between what I I see in the viewing CAD versus what actually comes out when I mesh. Go back to your original source code to be sure that everything's …
I've attached something similar, take a look.
Couple questions
- is the 5kN target a radial clamping force for torque resistance or something else?
- what are the clamp and clamped part materials?
Interesting problem, definitely a good use of Mecw…
See my comment above in this post from 2019. If you learn to use these *include command in CCX custom input, you can open up a lot of flexibility in your loadcases. True, this is a workaround, but it works well and you can use this right now.
I found it interesting to replace the force with the equivalent Y-displacement (I used 0.157399*t based on your result). It is an interesting problem - the knee in the load-deflection curve does not appear until all three spars have yielded
I posted this on LinkedIn, got over 30k views. I think you are onto something Victor...
Two ways that we typically loop through mcway databases with variables we like to change:
If there's a way to turn the command into a CCX custom input, you can make it a *include to manipulate an external text file.
If you have python chop…
We have used Mecway to prepare OpenFoam models for many years, similar to how it's shown in this video. You basically need a program to convert your Mecway model to individual STL files for each patch, then a script to pick an approriate template. …
Named selections are useful for post processing. For example, pull down the solution tab and try to Sum, you'll often get a big list of "Selected Nodes(5)" kind of stuff. But if you've named something fixed_plate_surf, there it is for you to sum yo…
I used ANSYS in the "old days", stored models on 9-track tapes (young people go look this up). I knew developers by their first name, and could call them directly. John Swanson visited our office to see how we were using his product. He was great. …
For thin gaps try air conduction - try extruding normal off surface and then project new nodes onto the mating surface For larger trapped air volumes, use the forced convection feature - create an internal node, select internal surface for convec…
if you have a lot of loads manipulate, this might be a time to open up notepad2 and find a way to do a change all to add the *t. can't hurt to try, just make a copy of that thing!
Make sure you are considering the flywheel inertia in the system, if you are actually going to run a full dynamic you will need this for sure. You will find that at normal operating conditions, the inertia effects dominate the system. Also, the pis…
I did this work for 20 years, there are many ways to approach this problem depending on the fidelity and design goals - an ambitious starter project!
For a general approach if the goal is a fatigue assessment, you will want a good looking mesh that…
I tried running without plastic properties, still does not complete. I would check your set up with a linear run before you add plasticity. Also, bilinear curves are usually 1/10th the elastic modulus in the plastic region ~ 21MPa for your steel. Y…
By cutting the model in half and holding the cut surface in the X-direction (I think that was the direction), you essentially get a "mirror image" result. It cuts down on model size. Modeling your thin film with a single linear hex8 through the thi…
Fun problem. I increased the density, used symmetry, changed where the roll starts.
I had trouble wrapping the wrap as it came full circle, I think this would take some clever time stepping.
Since Mecway liml files are in xml format, there is a powerful Python import that opens up a lot of possiblilities:
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
I am not a Python programmer, but the guys here who are use this import (along with other typica…
Lucky you, someone looking at the forum on a Sunday morning Memorial Day weekend :-).
I am familiar with your frustrations. The initial contact step was added several revisions ago because the contact condition developed "over the first load st…
Use the Pastix solver, available pre-compiled on the Calculix website ( the "files" link). Link to the ccx_dynamic.exe executable. You can use the CCX solver switch to change to Pardiso if necessary.
Solidworks is not any better at retaining face numbering. We can reload CAD and maintain surfaces for things like tolerance studies, but as you say, remove a fillet and it's square one.
Possible cheats:
If you are re-working one part, try and set …
I think I've posted this before, but couldn't find it, so here it is (again I think):
Think small - small models, small time steps. Model sizes can grow after things start making sense.
Very stiff models are hard to run/converge. Run a modal anal…
FYI, here is what I am currently do that works but is a pain to implement:
-I set the modulus of the component of interest very high and re-run.
-I dump displacements for the "real" and "stiff" cases.
-I take the difference between these cases and …
FYI, here is what I am currently do that works but is a pain to implement:
-I set the modulus of the component of interest very high and re-run.
-I dump displacements for the "real" and "stiff" cases.
-I take the difference between these cases and …