Interesting behavior importing step-file

today I saw the following when importing a step-file of the following thing

after import in Mecway 24 (the same in Mecway 18) it looks like

after some cutting (using cutting plane) one can see some additional faces

after meshing (volume or surface) the additional faces have gone

Is ther any explanation for that? How could it be avoided?
The part is ok in CAD-System Solide Edge an Freecad.

Thank you for sharing ideas



  • Victor can say for sure but I think this is just a viewing problem. Occasionally see a difference between what I I see in the viewing CAD versus what actually comes out when I mesh. Go back to your original source code to be sure that everything's okay, and I think you're fine.
  • In some cases this is not a problem but in some it is. My solution to this is to use Salome for meshing if any of the internal meshers fail. I work with ZW3D 2020 to generate CAD.
  • In some cases this is not a problem but in some it is. My solution to this is to use Salome for meshing if any of the internal meshers fail. I work with ZW3D 2020 to generate CAD.
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