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  • Thanks Fatmac, but when I save my mecway file as a .stl file and then try to import it in Solidworks CAD, the file comes out empty. Maybe it will work with shell or solid elements, but it does not seem to work with beams and links.
  • I can't import an STL file to Mecway, because there is no possibility to do that.
  • I also thought it was pretty obvious when I saw it... Do you have any possible checks when users register to this forum so that the chance of these bots getting through is smaller?
  • Thanks, disla, but I already found out that one by pressing the button multiple times I was thinking more of a script that would help me do this, but for now, it is solved. I usually use these types of elements structures as dummy elements, so axis…
  • Great, thanks disla. It looks like it works. So for future reference, I write it here: 1) I installed Mecway 18. 2) I downloaded: https://www.tu.kielce.pl/~rokach/instr/misc/ccx_220.7z from: https://www.tu.kielce.pl/~rokach/instr/ppm_main.htm and …
  • Contents of this file are on the screenshot: https://www.tu.kielce.pl/~rokach/instr/misc/ccx_220.7z
  • Ok, I checked and read the site: https://www.tu.kielce.pl/~rokach/instr/ppm_main.htm But, I still can't find straight forward configuration. I also downladed: https://www.tu.kielce.pl/~rokach/instr/misc/ccx_220.7z Only .exe that is in the folder d…
  • Thanks for help disla, but it would be great if someone could write in one place what I have to do when upgrading to the new Mecway version. Some of us are not using this every day and it would be very very helpful. I don't even find the readme file…
  • I updated Mecway and CCX. One question. When I copy all files for CCX 2.20 from www.dhondt.de to ccx folder in Mecway Program Files folder, which is now ccx_pardiso?
  • Huh. Thanks for this. I was not paying enough attention. As mentioned in other post, I have to update both Mecway and CCX. Didn't use them for some time and I just clicked the icon and went on with work.
  • Ok. I will update both Mecway and CCX. Will report back here.
  • Yes, I did that. I already used it in a buckling analysis. It worked as predicted...
  • Thanks disla, for this heads-up. But this constraint equation is not available when I right click on a node and select Loads & Constraints - it is greyed out. I have to right click on Loads & Constraints in the tree and then I get the option…
  • Sorry, I forgot to attach screnshot...
  • Hi Victor, I'm using Mecway 14 and calculix_2.17.1_4win downloaded from www.dhondt.de. In Mecway options I then browse CCX solver to ccx_PARDISO.exe. I get the same error with your example file. Check screenshot. What do you recommend? Upgrade to …
  • I had a problem with CCX buckling solving and it solved but there were no Modal values results available. I wrote to Victor and this is what he wrote back: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- That looks like o…
  • That's great. It works. Thanks.
  • The thing is that I don't do nonlinear analysis if it is not very necessary. So when I was modelling one model before this, which had around 150.000 elements and 500.000 nodes and it solved in 2 minutes I didn't show too much care to 300.000 element…
  • Ok. Thanks. This could also work. But if I will make a Python script, it will probably be easier to filter through correct material in that script, beacuse disconnecting elements and selecting faces and then merging nodes back also takes quite some …
  • I see. I didn't expect this limit. And yes, I have a lot of T connections, because I'm working on a structure made out of steel tubes. It is also very tricky situation, because I invested a lot of work into model and then I get this error. I will be…
  • Ok. Thanks. Just to know the options. I will try that Scale -1 and see if I can improve the procedure a bit.
    in Mirror plane Comment by JRP May 2021
  • Sorry, I meant line2 elements. Fingers were too fast...
  • I got an error shown in the attached file. It looks like that matrix array is larger than supported, which is strange, because I'm reading in this thread that over 2 million nodes are also possible. I made an analysis few weeks ago with about 150.00…
  • I did that. And then mirror it back through half plane that was defined with STEP model import. I'm just asking if it is not possible to create a new mirror plane with three nodes or something similar?
    in Mirror plane Comment by JRP May 2021
  • Ok. That is good. I thought before to go with elements, but when I select node set and then select element values in table, it also gives me elements for second material, because they belong to that nodes. I did a test and export everything to csv a…
  • I tried it quickly. I made two plate with butt weld. Stress VV in the common node set is exactly the middle value of sets that are located one element in thicker or thiner plate. There is some averaging going on with common node sets, which is not …
  • I understand what you are trying to say, but I never refine my meshes after I mesh and prepare the model. Usually I know from experience what kind of element size will be enough for the good enough results. Now, don't take this test model too seriou…
  • Disla, yes I folowed your advice and I can add node set to table solution now. Thanks. I also added two node sets now. One is shared with two plates and stresses are not very logical. If you check UU stresses, I got different results on top node (0…
  • Disla, that is interesting. I created that named node set just because I thought they will appear in tables creation tool. But for me they don't. Check image. What could the reason be? When this is solved, then is no problem to export node set with…
  • I forgot to mention, that it would also be great if one could select just one set of elements before selecting a set of nodes. In my case that would be selection of 10 mm plate elements and then stresses UU, VV, UV, 1 and 2 for 11 nodes, where the p…

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