It would be nice to have elements equivalent to NASTRAN/MYSTRAN CROD and CSHEAR elements in Mecway or CCX. I want to do an aircraft internal loads model and these simple elements make data easier to extract to use in detailed models or hand calcula…
What is the preferred method for updating Mecway?
1. Install new version and leave old version(s) installed?
2. Install new version and remove old version(s)?
3. Remove old version(s) and install new version?
I've noticed that new versions don't s…
Generate a "Quick Cube". With the cube element still selected, hit the "Change Element Shape" button, chose "Linear->Quadratic" (if not already selected) and hit the OK button. The number of nodes should have changed from 8 to 20 and if you use…
@Victor it was written with linear elements in mind. I wasn't using higher order elements when I wrote it until my office started using Pro/Mechanica a few years later.
I rewrote the Mecway to STL program that SimCommoms uses in their examples a few months ago. The SimCommons program was a fortran program that needed linux tp pipe the liml file into it. They sent me a copy of the fortran source code and I rewrote…
I've wanted to go back and look at that data after a run but it is gone once you close the Details box. Currently you have to make sure you right click in the output window, do a select all, copy the data and paste into a text editor.
@Sergio and @disla, I've hit the run button by mistake many times myself when saving. It hurts if it was a long run that just got erased by starting a run.
I've been working on modeling honeycomb panels. I've made a comparison model using a detailed core model and one with orthotropic hex elements. I've also included a spreadsheet to compare with an empirical method from the Hexcel report attached. …
@Sergio, I've seen it done but haven't needed to do it myself. The surface elements (reader elements) are the same material but very thin shells so they don't affect the results. They will show the proper stress because of the same modulus and fol…
Was wondering how to do it. Thanks JohnM.
Tried it by making a cube, scaling it and refining. Used the move/copy command to make a copy at an offset. Made a new component of the copy. Hollowed the new component and examined with the slicing sli…
Thanks. I was just using numbers to track where they go in the input file. I knew the order was different because of the way the indices are incremented, i.e. 12->13->23 vs. 12->23->31. What I forgot about was the conversion between t…
MikeMcMullen, thansk. I didn't notice the section in the CCX manual. I knew about mass scaling from previous Abaqus work.
I posted a model of a ball denting a metal plate in this thread:…
The nonlinear static 3D analysis in CCX, including quasi-static, doesn't calculate inertia forces because material density is not a required input. Density is a required input in dynamic analysis because it does calculate inertia loads including wa…
I've noticed that CCX seems to have less convergence problems with time and steps increased, i.e. 100s and 1s versus 1s and 0.01s, of course with BC equations adjusted accordingly. It shouldn't make a difference but it appears to as they have the s…
Here is an update to to the ball.inp Calculix example modified to run in Mecway. It adds a CCX model definition to add an initial velocity. At the end of the run, there is a dent in the panel and the energy absorbed by the plastic deformation redu…
Imposed boundary conditions are known values and are partitioned out from the unknowns prior to the matrix solution. You are solving a much smaller problem because the solver doesn't have find a solution for the nodes (degrees of freedom) with boun…
Thanks for the info from the Calculix forum. I'll move forward using the C3D8, C3D8I, C3D6 and C3D4 elements instead of the quadratic C3D20, C3D15 and C3D10 elements. I always try to use multiple through-the-thickness elements when modeling sheets…
It doesn't converge after 616 MPa loading which is 23.22% strain in the Y direction.
Reading the Abaqus documentation about *DEFORMATION PLASTICITY (Ramberg-Osgood), it is used for fracture mechanics models do determine if a region around a crack t…
I have never been able to get *DEFORMATION PLASTICITY (Ramberg-Osgood) to converge. I have been trying it for 20 years on and off with Abaqus and now Calculix. The only Abaqus sample problems where it shows up is in fracture mechanics and calculat…
Thanks John. I don't have any issues making models. I'm just lazy and would rather not do extra steps in the creation of the geometry. I did an interference fit bushing with 0.003 inch interference in a lug model last week.
There are numerous wa…
I had already used the hole function as a second step. The inner radius would be useful for bushings.
You can use it for the curved part of lugs when selecting two quadrants. You can use the square with hole with the other two quadrants to compl…
Here is the file I made and ran on 12/28 that took 14 minutes. It uses the material properties in my previous post. I've included screen captures at the end of the run with full displacement of 34.5mm and springback. It has about 3mm springback a…
I didn't see your second reply but had inadvertently answered.
Below are the Strain, Stress (Pa) values that are from the Abaqus example modified to work with Mecway. The Mecway calculated Young's modulus is 206787.495438511MPa, the Poisson's ra…