Hi JohnM,
Thanks for sharing
I should study more deeper how solver work.
I've notice that shell elements works not well with explicit (only error for now but could be a problem of my setting)
I hope that next releases of calculix improve explicit so…
Hi Victor,
thanks for your support.
Sad too read that plastic and contacts don't work thogether.
You know if this is a bug that could be fixed in the next release of calculix?
Thanks again
With dynamic in my list I mean explicit dynamic, I’m new in mecway and calculix and I’ve not found
the way to call explicit solver from mecway gui directly
Could you explain me how use gui for this?
Hi Sergio, did you mean this example (see attached)
that seem to be implicit dynamic
there is a way to create a mecway model with contact+plastic material behavior+dynamic like in other explicit solver, for example like in Radioss?
Thanks Sergio,
I've search for that calculix keyword as you suggest (https://web.mit.edu/calculix_v2.7/CalculiX/ccx_2.7/doc/ccx/node253.html)
I've attached a simple example for someone who have the same question, red arrow for initial applied force…
It is clear that the differencies (if the tria appear far away of location of interest) should be negligible, but my question was about the possibility of having a quad mesh for such a simple example. I understand that at the moment this is not pos…
Tankyou Sergio,
You are right, mesh has good quality but not good enought considering the simile geometry ( quad only mesh should be the right chioice for this example)I know that automesh code is not simiple to develop.
Thanks for your suggestions