Hi at all
I've a quastion about the possibility to hide some elements of a single component, for example if I have a pin with varous sections I would like to hide some elements to calculate the areas of the sections using the function "Surface area"
in this way I can check the results
A way to do this probably consist to move the removable elements to another component...but maybe there is an "hide elements" button somewhere
There is no "hide elements" button.
If the faces are aligned with the XYZ maybe, you could expose them using the slice bar. Then you can select and create a surface selection for easy access in the future.
If they are not aligned with XYZ, I would split in two components just temporary , only for the face selection.
I think that an "hide elements" button could be useful, I hope that Victor add this feature in future release
I think that an "hide elements" button could be useful, I hope that Victor add this feature in future release
As the question was not in the improvement-suggestions area I thought you were looking how to sort it out.
By the way, some transparency would help too.
thanks for help disla