Hey,As i was using mecway trial version to evaluate it, I only got 1000 nodes.So I decided to use calculix solver instead.I tried basic ball impacting a plate to test its post processing and value. But the problem I am getting is that the ball keeps on oscillating back and forth instead of impacting the plate.Please help me, because i know its some minor glitch that i cant see. Here are the inps file.
You might also try the CCX forum: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/CALCULIX/info
JUst to check i took a working inp file from net and tried to process it on my ccx (Ball impacting a plate). It didn't work.Its impacting but stresses are not visible.and the ball (solid sphere) gets contracted
Check this thread
I ran the solver and is strange that after some time step also the cube is on rigid body motion
I checked the displacement of the ball with time step and I saw weird kinematics value and stress value.I am attaching he gif file of that animation. The ball impacts the cube the first and it shows minor strain changes, the third impact is the major one where you can see the observable strain changes but it bounces back after the fifth contact.What these sequential impact signifies? Is it due to the collision restitution or is it due to some convergence problem ?