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  • You could reduce the number of saved intermediate increments if is a no lineal simulation (maybe leaving only the last one), and also reduce the number of field variables to the one that you really need to postprocess. A last resource would be trans…
  • Thanks @Victor !
  • Hi Victor, would be possible to add the unity cm^4 for the beam moments definitions? Same for torsional and area, I have seen lot of standard profiles tables with cm as unity. Regards
  • @Mishal We mesh our parts with mapped quad elements, and then extrude to get three hexa elements in thickness. If the metal/plastic part was just modeled to represent the contact, we use only one element.
  • Using shells and beams requires more planning, preparation of the CAD and experience than just pressing a magic button that create a nice (but incorrect) tet mesh. Users tend to be lazy :-) In the past have worked a lot with engine mounts, doing FE…
  • I was working in some necking problem in the past, and after some research I found that is a common practice to reduce a little (very small) the area in the place that is supposed to neck the test sample. Take a look at the M.Kraska example https:/…
  • Stp visualization with visible edges is very nice, and the compression only support are both welcome, thanks for this update Victor! Could you add the posibility to change colors to stp parts also (maybe something like that the meshes, that are of d…
  • @Sebastianmaklary , I just download the first example (Plane_mesh.inp) from the BESO site, and when I try to run, it's get stuck with this text: Do you know what could be wrong? I have edited (only changed the path to cc…
  • In the old days when I did a few project of topologic optimization, what I did was divide the geometry and separate the volumes that I want to keep without optimization. This could be done in Salome, and then meshing the resulting parts with conform…
  • Try to reduce a lot the number of elements/nodes, sometimes when CCX gets out of memory can´t save the results.
  • If BESO is a python script, could be run directly from Mecway as a user script?
  • The same for me, now it works ok. Thanks!
  • As far as I know there is no way, what I do normally is select the component in the model tree, invert the selection, delete all the elements and export. And after undo to recover the elements.
  • In Gmsh, go to Menu/Tools/Options, and then select Mesh and look in the first tab General. There you have the Min/Max element size and other mesh settings
  • This is the mesh on your step, using gmsh with custom commands to force the structured quads, now was not needed to do the mesh smooth after meshing.
  • Just playing with custom command in Gmesh, meshing, and deleting unused nodes, and then smooth the mesh in Mecway we can get a nice mesh. I don´t understand why Gmsh generate these extra nodes, and why in Mecway the mesh is not smoothed directly.
  • Have made some quick test with a quarter plate and basic mesh definition and my meshes doesn´t show such bad elements. Could you share your step file?
  • Just for the record I´m using a CPU Intel(R) Xeon(R) W-2275 CPU @ 3.30GHz, and the Mecway v17 with the internal solver crash if there are only beams elements in the model. If I include a dummy solid element then can be solved without problems.
  • Results looks ok, under Deformed View Settings adjust the Scale factor to 1 or some value less alarming. The overall displacement is less than 1mm
  • @JohnM we use first order hexas for thick rubber parts (engine mounts, bushes), and our predictions in terms of stiffness and stress (for durability) were very accurate, as we test our parts after desinging. About thin parts as bellows, even if we m…
  • For rubber with contact we use first order hexa elements, there you could reduce a lot the node count. We predict very accurate the load/deflection curves of the rubber parts.
  • When I was in the automotive industrie modeling rubber parts, we pay special attention to meshing (and bc) to keep the nodel count low and be able to run our no lineal problems in a razonable time. We use manual mapped mesh, hexa meshing, and contro…
  • You can choose to don't buy maintenance, and still you can move the licence between different computers.
  • Alibre is on black friday with a comercial licence of Alibre Atom at usd 100, is a great product for such a low price.
  • The new spring element visual representation is awesome! I though that would be visible only in preprocessing, but is also visible and deformable in postprocessing, really really beautifull and usefull to better understanding. Coud be added somethi…
  • Just create a partition (a split in your surface) in your CAD software. You could do it in Salome or FreeCAD as well, but is more complex.
  • It works! Now I can import a big UNV assembly mesh into an empty Mecway file, and get all groups of elements converted to components. I have tunned the script to create and assign a basic steel material and assign to each component, and then delete …
  • Hi @Victor, I have modified this last script to create a new material and assing to every component, and it works very well, the problem is that when I try to assing a Young Modulus of 205000000000 Pa (205000 Mpa) to the material (using mw.set_mater…
  • Thanks! I have seen yestarday, is perfect to those situations were we import meshes with lot of components from Salome.
  • Hi @Victor, could you add an option to automatically group boundary conditions by type in the boundary conditions branch of the tree?

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