About the copy to clipboard function, I use very very few times, maybe if it would be available as an option in the contextual menu in the model tree when we select the field to postprocess, or maybe adding a new contextual menu to the graphic area …
I think that with a model with more element in thickness should work well the cyclic symmetry. Another issue is that Mecway cannot separate components in the results if you ask for the symmetric results.
I have used very few times the cyclic symmetry, attached some examples that I did years ago (was not implemented in GUI so I wrote the cards manually), hope it help you.
I use wedges for structural simulations and they behave well. This model can be solved easily with frictionless supports in the simmetry faces and high contacts stiffness
@Victor, could be that the program shows the colapsed elements with the same red cross symbol as the distorted elements? In that way we could figurate quickly the error.
Pay attention that you have colapsed hexas at the center line of the model, it should be wedges.
Use the tool Merge nodes witi a small tolerance such as 0.001 mm to stich the nodes and convert the colpased hexas in wedges. With that at least the fa…
If you look to convert groups of elements to components, there is a way to make it by means of a python script, look in the script post:
I found a way to make it in Gmsh, or even inside Mecway using Gmsh and custom commands, but to me is easier to do it in Salome directly.
I think that these anotations could be translated into the different input files (CCX and OpenRadioss), so it should be only text.
1. For the analysis could be a separated text field and branch in the model tree (*HEADING card for CCX, don´t know …
You can use Contact with Bonded option, but you need to remove the first two faces of the slave surfaces (because they are also restrained by the Fixed boundary condition).
You can fuse the faces in CAD and export as one step file, and then mesh wi…
I support that, revisiting old analyses after years can be tricky, and having a short note explaining the reason or boundary conditions can help a lot.
ffontana, in the last two versions there is a new very powerfull solver available for Mecway, OpenRadioss. Guess that the developer will include some more features of this one before tryng other. By the moment Mecway has the intenal solver, CalculiX…
The integration with OpenRadioss looks amazing, same for Alibre Desing. I think that Alibre + Mecway is the ideal setup for freelancers engineers/analyst.
I can't wait to have a moment to try out all these new tools!
Did you try to export the CAD from Solidwork (remove small components before) as an STL and import in Mecway? With solid meshes sometimes I export the results to Paraview and then import also the CAD model to compare there.
With this kind of struct…
I suffer that problem designing and testing (FEA and physical tests) an engine mount aluminium bracket twenty years ago (or more). For low loads the initial bolt preload was enough to keep the part in place with the bolts centered in the holes (slot…
@FERNANDO, of course, working outisde Mecway is 10x more complex and time consuming. Still I don´t understand why also in Paraview as in Mecway cannot pick a node and get the field variable as with CCX results. In this example the 2d plot is from a …
@Bcavender for such kind of part the best is to mesh in Salome using structured quads and then extrude to get the requied hexas and length. You could try in Mecway using gmsh also, but will not let you control the quantity of elements in each side a…
@FERNANDO, I did a few test yesterday, and even some more variables can be requested as results adding some cards in the custom engine file, for some reason I cannot postprocess as the native or CCX ones, units are fixed and when I choose one node t…
Uf, that would be incredible, having Openfoam running natively from Mecway interface. Do you know @FERNANDO that you can prepare Openfoam models in Mecway? But for solving you need the command line, and postprocess in Paraview.
Yes, I took the /BCS from the tubes examples and is working, even with symetries. Thanks a lot for bringing OpenRadius to us! Now that there are three solvers available, would be very interesting show the name of the solver in the post view, maybe w…
@Victor, in the impact model, in which part of the Openradioss instructions you tell that the lower part is "fixed"? I'm tring to make a new similar model but my lower part flies away when it gets in contact with the impactor as it would be free :-(