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  • Victor, Kenneth, Agreed, short and to the point. Not quite as short as this one: https://ams.org/journals/bull/1966-72-06/S0002-9904-1966-11654-3/S0002-9904-1966-11654-3.pdf
  • disla, Thanks for these ideas. I had seen your previous post, I wasn't sure if you concluded that it was inaccurate or if it was OK. Regarding viewfactors, I found this (sounds like hours of fun): "The calculation of viewfactors involves the solu…
  • Let me know if the link works
  • Don't worry Victor, I didn't take your comments too seriously - if my response gave the opposite impression then apologies! Your assumption is a pretty good one, by the way. We are trying to reverse engineer a pretty old technology - some success bu…
  • Victor, that is quite possibly true. Tungsten filaments are incredibly well studied. I have got hold of a few older papers (and for something like this, the old ones are often the best), but it takes a finite amount of time to read and understand th…
  • Quick update: I improved the mesh as I was getting patchy temperature distributions, so smaller elements with better aspect ratio and made them quadratic. So we have a helical filament with two extended legs. Each leg finishes in a circular 'cut end…
  • I was thinking of using temperature-dependent electrical conductivity along with temperature-dependent thermal conductivity. After the DC current (maybe with a best-guess uniform elevated temperature) I would feed internal power into the therrmal st…
  • Mike, Victor, John, Thanks, I have extracted static i8 and just need to persuade someone with the right admin permissions to copy it over. I have neither the confidence not the permissions to attempt anything other than Victor's option 5! Will I ha…
  • For option 5, I downloaded Calculix_2.20_4win. There is no ccx_static_i8.exe, but there is ccx_static.exe. Should I use this, or am I missing something? Thanks, Dave
  • Sorry for lack of response but I'll try to chip in on Disla's last post. My understanding of Weibull is based on a single very good talk plus a couple of emails (and I still keep getting it wrong). It's a model that describes a probability of surv…
  • I had a quick try of Heaviside when Victor suggested it and - without too much detailed scrutiny - seemed to be doing approximately the right thing. When I have time to try this out in detail I'll report back. I have checked with a materials guy at…
  • @Victor, if you don't get me a liml by tomorrow then I'll get you the freedom of Bexhill and Eastbourne too. That'll teach you.
  • Hey Victor appreciate this, I'll send to support if that's cool? Is the Salome hdf file any good to you, or just the unv? Get me a liml file by tomorrow and I'll arrange the freedom of Hastings (for what it's worth...).
  • All that work to make this beautiful mesh and it's trapped in Salome. I'm supposed to have this analysis done by midweek. I can email the hdf and/or the unv file if anyone thinks they can open it in Mecway for me. I'll still have 1728 pyramid files …
  • Thanks Disla. I made some progress today, but in exporting from Salome as .unv I lose 1728 pyramids. I exported anyway and tried to import into Mecway and got the attached warning. Any ideas?
  • For the record, the partitioning of the disc for hexa meshing was initially my main obstacle. I achieved it this way: 1. Sketch at the origin (a hexagon with 6 slightly oversize arms) 2. Rotate and translate the sketch into place as near as dammit t…
  • By perseverance and watching YouTube videos (and even reading the Salome user guide), I have got SO close to where I want to be. But time is against me, so I still welcome help. I have managed to get the recessed disc meshed with hexa elements with …
  • Incidentally, I have tried on several occasions to join the Salome forum, but it seems I've got more chance of getting into the Freemasons.
  • Sergio, I'll email the geometry to you, as I can't share on here. I'll have to tidy up the tree a bit first.
  • Hello Manuel, do you have a working download link? The Salome website appears to have vanished without trace.
  • Our IT man did a fine job last time of getting Salome running on Windows after I had difficulty, and he created a little batch file to start it up properly. He was going to install the latest version today but the Salome website is down, possibly du…
  • No worries Victor, as long as you've brought a bottle. Yes, where the contact is. Thanks for the explanation. Yes, saw a few suggestions in earlier posts to turn off Automatic time stepping. When I did, the deformation near first contact was much …
  • Thanks John & Sergio, that could save a lot of time. I've chosen to move the groove up onto the O-ring, so that the displacement plots tell me more about the O-ring. Is there any reason I shouldn't just use a node on the underside of the block w…
  • Sergio, I was just going to attach the image. As originally stated, the force seems very low, even when multiplied by 360 to sum for the whole circular O-ring. On the next time step the mesh destroys itself - I presume because the deformation excee…
  • Thanks Sergio, does it give values for all time steps? I found this from Victor on another post: "1. Select the fixed elements and right click one then Add elements to new named selection. 2. Solve. 3. Solution -> Sum external forces on the ele…
  • Good spot John, and thanks for the info. That's encouraging. I did wish you Happy New Year on the Salome thread, but I don't think it has published the comment (though the Forum credits me with being the latest contributor to the thread). So, even t…
  • Victor, sorry I've not been thinking or communicating properly. I'm using thermal steady state. When I take your simple example and switch it to CCX steady state, it does not like the radiation. When I take my current model and switch to CCX tran…
  • Victor, your example above works for me, but a large model that I'm working on has the radiation unavailable as for Jorgean. It solves with Mecway's internal solver but later I'll want some of the CCX functions. I'll have to scale the model as small…
  • For anyone that's inerested, when Salome refused to save my work, I tried dumping the project into a Python script. Both the scripts I dumped refused to load, with a mix of syntax errors and Traceback errors.
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