Relative to the use of the normal text. The aspect ratios relative to the K values of this square spring design are off of the charts. the problem is the aspect ratio of thickness over height and thickness over mean diameter all start around 3 and…
Thank you so much! I know all the answers a outrageous relative to the design. All I am trying to do here is establish a bench mark for future designs! By knowing that the BC and Load are good and that I have consistency in out put. I can…
Thank you so much! I know all the answers a outrageous relative to the design. All I am trying to do here is establish a bench mark for future designs! By knowing that the BC and Load are good and that I have consistency in out put. I can…
Thank you for your help!
The stress riser associated with the spring ends is not important to me. As I know what to do to deal with this. If you would be so kind as to report to me from your model the stress at the inside corner of the midd…
I went back to simple to prove out my Boundary conditions. I took a part that was .0787 inches diameter (2mm) x .500 inches Modeled in SW and save it as a stl. Saving as Stl is a verification of how it seems I can best important this tiny spri…
the plan bearing would actually run the length of the part allowing translation and rotation about the z axis. So this is an extension spring that fits in a tube. held at one end with a five lbs load at the other.
OD of spring is 2 mm I was able to scale mine the scale it needed was 1/25.4
the peek is 572000psi with possions of .391 after 20 or so iteration it did converge. Nonlinear the Von mises stress showed 280,000 psi at a stress riser th…
I tried the step file to start with but Mecway did not like the hole thru the middle of the piece, or so it seemed. The stl came in beautifully or so I thought.
The spring is used in extension with a 5lb load applied to one end the other end is held captive. The complete structure (which has been simplefied here for mean of model fit inside a cannula.
Can I correct correct my imported Volume in Mecway? Or should I model everything in Meters in Solid works and import in that way? I will take you up on the offer. I am just now looking at the CCX stuff now. Here is the file attached it i…
sorry of my wording I come from a time when all we had was equation to calculate such as this. I have only been on Mecway a few days. Still in the middle of the learning curve.
I put a five pound load as a Force boundary condition, not as …
I am use solid works as my modeler. I have checked all units in solidworks and they seem correct. I convert the files into stls and bring them into Mecway this way. After Imported I use the Tape measure tool to measure and found that it th…
Also, I forgot I would like to apply a boundary condition that would be equivalent to having a plan bearing wrap around the OD of this spring at one end of it. I tried doinf this use the frictionless setup on the faces on the od at one end of the …
Disla, you are correct I have been using the value show 206000 in the verification calcs I have been doing to try and match outputs on Mecway. This number is the shear modulus of PEEK I will switch to 572900 which is the youngs modulus. Youngs m…