I followe Build dinstructions in Mecway/ccx/ccx_win64_mkl_pardiso_source_2.21.zip
and I found dlls in msys64/home//ccx/x64/install, but I didn't found ccx.exe, ccx_MKL.exe
Where are they supposed to be?
OneAPI MKL from https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/tools/oneapi/base-toolkit-download.html?
With the instructions in Mecway/ccx/ccx_win64_mkl_par…
I defined the pendulum element with a very rigid spring, but it does not keep its lenght.
The same occurs using a rigid bar.
Same behavior with DynamicResponse 2D analysis.
It is important if somebody wants to modle a frame structure without refining each beam.
If there are only nodal loads it is not necesary to refine, and it would be fine if this can work with line pressure loads too.
Victor, you should put the link to Github somewere visible in the frum or website because whern we have a feature suggestion we don't remember the Github link.
From API reference:
solution.set_variable(variable, values, time_step=None, mode=None)
Fills a solution variable with values at nodes. If a variable with the same name already exists, it is overwritten, otherwise it is created. Any formulas are re…
Im attaching 2 scrips.
One works with CCX solver and uses ZZ error estimation.
The other works with internal solver ald usas VM stress difference at nodes as error estimation.
I improved the adaptive mesh refinement script.
Now, before refinex3 is applied, it improves the list of nodes to be refined, adding those vertex that have 2 neighbor vertex (from different elements) to be refined. This avoids the generation of high…
I have a named selection of elements to be refined and I want to refine them x3 in a script, but mw.refine_x3 requires the node_ids list.
How can I get the list of node_id of the nodes belonging to the elements in a named elements selection or to a …
In the next version something should be said about this feature, because nobody will gess that.
Table’s "Write to csv file after solving" can include to insert configuration name and to insert table name in the file path.
This scripts does a semiautomatic adaptive mesh refinement for models with all quad8 elements.
Each refinement has to be solved manually and then run the scrips that estimates the error on each element from Zienkiewicz-Zhu Von Mises stress and makes…
It would be great if api command mw.solve() could return something to know if the solution was OK or not.
It would also be great to have commands to do some mesh operations like:
select elements by number or shape
select nodes by number
refine x2