Hard pressure-overclosure behavior is internally reduced to linear pressure-overclosure behavior. That's probably why Victor didn't implement Hard. With linear you cover hard.
Hard uses default values that sometimes fail, specially if your contat n…
That is not a good reference for comparision unless the thickness is very very small so bending stress doesn't have any role.
If you want to test it you better compare using some Catenary example.
Hi Sarvesh.
There were some issues reported for this model + Offset.
Thanks both, knowing others have solve the problem is encouraging. ¿Are you solving with ccx / mecway solely or do you get some support from other FEA tools?
Thanks both,
This model came up in a different Forum. I found it a good opportunity to try it and see which could be the drawbacks.
I have experience with Liquid and Gas storage, but powder /solids storage are a completely different world although …
From Mecway Manual:
"On a shell element, the face is offset from the midsurface by half the element thickness so a traction applied to the face generates moments at the nodes as well as forces.
If you don’t want these moments, apply it to the eleme…
Thanks Victor.
I solved the problem properly with ccx nonlinear. It solves fine except for a slightly large bending moment at point A.
My surprise was with Openradioss. I changed some parameters (Density ,K, F) to see if there was some automatic m…
This is the truss system with ccx and only compresion beams in the diagonals.
It is nonlinear (I think it must be nonlinear for this kind of material)
Final results are:
(+ = tension)
Side in Tension. Final Tension 8.999927E+01 N
Side in Compresi…
Isn't tension and only compression materials nonlinear behaviors?.
Is there a reason why the problem is not approach with ccx solver?
Is it because there is not such a variety of beam sections.?
Yep, It is ccx. I have finally plot the integration points at the undeformed geometry as reference and interpolated the values known their coordiantes.
HI Victor,
I'm comparing the SXZ value at the integration point with the SXZ value from the interpolation tool and they are different. ¿Should I assume the interpolation tool is made from the nodal values?.
In case it is, ¿Would this be hard to do …
Take a look at he Gmsh manual.
Prepomax has implement most of Gmsh commands in a really amazing way. It is even more friendly than the Gmsh GUI itself.
Thanks Victor,
I will try that. There is a shell expansion in between so i will have to see how to manage that as new nodes are also created. I also found that unused nodes don’t show in the solution.
Sorry, Another question related to this.
My main problem is that I'm interested in certain values at the integration points but only those close to a specific face.
From the dat file it is puzzling to extract which are the int.points of interest.
Gmsh has an option to mesh only the edges with nodes. It could provide a fast and light "node-mesh" just for reference. If Stp is too heavy to import all at once you could also try to import by parts (even separate files) before merging everything. …
Just curiosity, what is the purpose of this device?. It does not appear to be used to attach anything other than itself to a tube.
Normally one of the halves is prepared to be fixed but in this case it does not appear to have any rail or …
If you are using ccx, beams can also be offset.
I would test extensively cause i'm not sure if that's safe to use and how it does affect deflections, stresses, and if it will make any effect.
EDITED: Internal also has offset from ver.25.Beam offs…
I put in the Y rotation constraint on the advice of the CCX manual after it was failing without it
That's weird. I didn't notice that because I always use PARDISO MKL and it has been working fine for me. You are completely right. Adding rot y con…
OH, That's new ¿isn't it?. I mean Rigid body definition through a set of nodes instead of surface.
I'been doing this manually for a long time .
I think y rotation should be free to be a hinge.
I have worked a little on the mesh. I have meshed the section and later extrude it. With a good mesh is much faster.(3 min)
The FEA model will be better driven imposing a rotation. Be sure to evaluate correctly the forces needed to achieve that rot…
Give it a try to Straight. It should do the job.
I have edit one of my previous posts:
Straight allows the nodes on the line to stretch and change distances in between them while keeping them aligned.