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  • I use Strand7 as main solver, as ccx doesn't support "real" shell element and also doesn't have any form of Riks/Crisfield (arc-length) algorithm which is crucial to track stability of such structures.
  • I second EnterFEA - we deal with silo on a daily basis (in AS and EC standards) and also solve them using the full GMNIA procedure described in EN 1993-1-6 so it's doable without much problems.
  • I briefly used ANSYS (new version) and absolutely hate it. COmpared to FEMAP with NX Nastran or ADINA it seems weird/non-intuitive. I like Mecway's approach very much, same goes for Strand7's- folks there are super helpful and more into the tool-de…
  • IS models bolt as a series of springs- they have some paper about this iirc. Also the weld is modelled using some propertiary FE (some kind of link)
  • @JohnM - try DesignSpark, it's just poor's man Spaceclaim, without some functions but MUCH cheaper. I ended up buying the STEP/IGES addon
  • I bought the export package, seems best at doing surfaces and manual midsurfacing Also featuring is nice, because you just select feature and delete it, simple as that
  • Tested Rhino and DesignSpark, leaning towards DesignSpark (it's SpaceClaim minus some functions) but maybe someone is using something else that is also decent
  • From my recent testing, the best software for dealing with surfaces and slicing them is DesignSpark(but needs the IGES/STEP import/export addon which is not free). Best prepare everything in CAD package and then export the STEP/IGES file for Mecway …
  • Re-introducing nonlinear solver with proper shell element would be awesome (maybe Riks solution control could be implemented too )
  • Still waiting for Riks or any other arc-length implementation...:(
  • @Sergio can you share you workflow for Salome meshing(or just some tips)? As from your gif it looks like using Meshing Toolbox in FEMAP and the mesh is very nice (and I'm used to manual meshing)
  • Got info from Guido about Riks implementation: "implementation probably starting Oct 2020. Should also work with contact". If it will, then CCX will be the only free solver capable of doing solution control by arc-length AND using contact
  • Same Mecway inbuilt ccx: core i3-8100, stock clock (4 cores, no HT) 24GB RAM Ballistix Sport LT 3200Mhz Run time: 6min 51 sec. As far HT goes- Ansys even tells to shut the HT off in BIOS, due to performance issues of how threads "compete" with eac…
  • thought it's this one- on their website it states it's free. From what I understand they now charge for technical support, but solver seems freeware.
  • As you mentioned Tochnog Victor- is there a plan to reintegrate it with Mecway, as it's free now?
  • Is there any info when (or if ever) CCX will have the true shell element? Becouse for shells this even reduced integration seems weird and I assume that shear locking will appear to some degree anyway. Anyone with better shell experience in CCX can…
  • C_A is more "professionalised" community, with official pro-network etc. And solver is more "professionally" oriented (I still think CCX is awesome, but C_A has more developement and potential, at least for now), so I guess it's easier to make magaz…
  • Solid model has 150mm thickness while shell has 300mm
  • That kind of mesh can be obtained by Salome for example
  • I would add Salome_Meca to the list SimCommons presented Mecway reminds me of ALGOR before Autodesk aquired the software, kind of the same feel
    in SimCommons Comment by barmin March 2019
  • I really like the idea behind SimCommons and I hope you will keep the good work up
    in SimCommons Comment by barmin March 2019
  • disla - EC3 uses the timoshenko's approach for perfectly supported shell, loaded uniformly on the top, which is very conservative in nature and doesn't work well for real design applications, not to mention comparing them with FEM results of any kin…
  • Hi, You want the "full" analysis of that kind of tank done in ccx? (according to EC3, GMNIA and so on?). AFAIK, there is no continuation algorithms in ccx, so it's practically impossible to calculate this kind of problem in ccx
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