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  • Thanks Victor for the explanation. It is the scaling factor is way too big (18.0, Automatic) so it looks like penetrating. When it is set as 1.0, it is not. For the strange graphical glitches, when I unrefine the bottom roller without changing oth…
  • Hi Victor, I am trying to do the same analysis with shell element and displacement load. When displacement load is -2 mm and -3 mm, the results look normal. But when displacement load is -1 mm as per the attachment, penetration occurs. I have trie…
  • Hi Victor, Thanks for quick reply. The same material definition are reserved for future work when each component is in different material. I have tried to correct nu_WU values for the orthotropic properties and it works. Now the shape looks norma…
  • Hi Victor, I am new to Mecway and FEA and have been working on a similar project. Thanks for all the comments above and I learned a lot. But I still have to questions: a) Looks like Laminate is only available to tick for Mechanical Tab of Material …
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