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  • Wow this Alibre addition is quite nice!
    in Mecway 25 Comment by jbmag July 2024
  • Thank you Sergio, let me have a go at it. Out of curiosity do you know what the mecway2stl script does/how it functions? Is the STL triangle data actually already saved as part of the LIML file and it just needs to be extracted? Or is it generating …
  • Okay - the solution in case someone else comes looking is to select the elements then right click the initial conditions in the left panel and then you can add in the initial temperature. Personally I think would be good to also have the initial co…
  • Hi Victor, Is it still possible to add an initial temperature? I seem to be either missing the option or more likely I have missed something.
  • Here's some stuff that might help: 1) All file solver Will solve every .liml file in the directory (you need to set them up manually and then run the batch file) 2) Blind Iterate You can modify the python code to iterate over variables. For exampl…
  • Thank you, Sergio and John!!
  • Hi John, That's really interesting, do you mean you perform experiments on parts that you have, recreate those experiments in Mecway, and use that to figure out the material coefficients C01 and C10? Would you be able to share an example? I conta…
  • I added the input file code directly to custom model definition and it seemed to work and generated an out.csv file, so I'm guessing that means it's an issue with the input file not being included properly. The custom model definition in the orig…
  • Thanks for the help so far everyone. Just came back to this as I recently needed to do this again. \progra~1\mecway\mecway13\mecway model*.liml solve Just tested this and it works great for what I need to do, by the way. John I'm also trying to …
  • Thanks Victor!
  • 3) MKL CCX as in 2) but also install MKL from https://software.intel.com/en-us/mkl/choose-download/windows and copy all the DLL files from %ProgramFiles(x86)%\IntelSWTools\compilers_and_libraries_2019.4.245\windows\redist\intel64_win\mkl to the same…
  • Excellent, thanks for the help John and Victor! In case I end up implementing any of these I'll come back and post more details. In my particular use case moving the tedious work of setting parameters to the front in a single sitting works since m…
  • Good point. Alright I'm going to give this a shot with Mecway. Time to RTFM!
  • Thank you Victor! Would this qualify as a multiphysics problem? Trying to find ways to get a solution and just want to know what I should be looking out for.
  • I'm actually currently saving up to buy Mecway's license and if the feedback is any use at all I think having a ribbon GUI would actually be a deal breaker for me! These pretty things are great for consumer products, but a lot of times they come at …
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