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  • @Tao, I've had that issue too, since september 2022 and have kept @Victor informed of whatever things I've noticed. I am also using an Nvidia graphics card (Nvidia Quadro RTX 4000). It seems that the issue is with Direct3D as trying to print while t…
  • I used ANSYS as a student from 2015 to 2020 and I must say that I was very happy with many things but it can probably mostly be summed up to that it was fast. Being able to read native CAD formats, meshing sheet metal parts as SOLSH190 elements (con…
  • I've done a bunch of analysis of gears where I've used the method that Victor proposes with a time-based rotation constraint on a node. Works fine.
  • @sofien_73 Tying all others to one or tying them to each other in series could be a common method. When, in CAD software, I apply constraints such as equal size, parallelism or similarly to multiple selected entities, the software will apply the con…
  • @Victor When I occationally do Topology optimization using the BESO Python code, it changes the loads as applied in Mecway to being individual nodal loads so when the resulting file is loaded back into Mecway for visualization, it will have those ma…
  • Awesome! I'm especially happy with the inclusion of node-surface connections being added to the internal solver so the rigid spider elements can be retired from this use.
  • @German That's really cool! (Semi-) Automatic mesh refinement is a great feature. Will you upload the improved script as well?
  • Ooooh, that teaser for Mecway 23 is very interesting! Looking forward to it!
  • Cool! Congratulations on the new release.
  • Oh this is great! I've never really used the inbuilt solver in part because it seemed so incredibly much slower than CCX (and because I often need nonlinearity) but that may be caused by me often using bonded contacts as most analysis consist of mu…
  • I do recall learning about the crack element which creates a singularity due to the interpolation function used within it when the nodes are mapped "incorrectly" compared to the isoparametric parent element, so that it can model a sharp crack withou…
  • (Sorry for reviving an old topic) I have done very simple fracture mechanical analysis by modelling a crack in CAD at different crack sizes and then running multiple analyses to be able to plot the potential energy versus crack size and thereof cal…
  • @Sergio, introducing mesh imperfections can indeed be a way to obtain a more physically accurate result because reality isn't ever as perfectly straight as an FEM model can be. Years ago, i read an article on modeling failure of aluminum honeycomb c…
  • @disla, My reasoning for seeing if I could force necking to occur in the center was that my first thought was that the accumulation of small numerical errors would be the only reason for seeing any necking at all in a uniformly loaded specimen. The …
  • The oddity got worse. Expanding the kink in the center to be a wider band that is 5,01% smaller cross-sectional area (as the picture below) still didn't result in necking in the center. Removing elements in the center did force the necking to occu…
  • I've looked a bit more into it and I'm becoming increasingly sceptical that the necking is the simple accumulation of numerical error in what is ideally a uniformly stressed specimen. With cubes with a sidelength of 8 elements and a timestep of 0,00…
  • With the refined mesh and the small timestep, both behave similarly with necking initiating from around 1mm displacement (1st principal strain around 1,3) but they end up with slightly dissimilar levels of plastic strain in the necking. I don't trus…
  • I noticed that the timestep was so great that the first timestep was beyond the linearly elastic region, which I thought might be the issue. Reducing the initial timestep didn't change much but reducing the maximum timestep as well to 0,0005 seconds…
  • Awesome Congratulations on the new release. I'm especially excited for the compression only support being usable CCX as it makes sense to be used for pinned boundary connections when the stresses near the pinned hole aren't completely irrelevant…
  • I can't tell what's wrong. I'm running the python scripts with Spyder through Anaconda Navigator while it seems that you're running in IDLE which I cannot as it simply states that numpy is missing. In spyder however, it seems that the next step aft…
  • I'm still working on this with Mecway as a preprocessor. I've altered the BESO code so that the initial state can be set based on the components in Mecway, so I can make an initial seed or guess in that way. This however exposes the need for more r…
  • Sergio, it doesn't work as just selecting the script in Mecway and running it as it gives this error message:
  • Sergio, it could be possible but as I have no experience in running user scripts in Mecway and this is also my first serious encounter with Python, I have not yet attempted to do so. If anyone else has the courage to try, then it'd be cool.
  • I found a setting in the script that exports the solver .inp instead of just the mesh. Thus, the loads, displacements and materials are imported and ready to run. The loads and boundary conditions are however applied to the nodes indi…
  • In the result files, they do not include *ELSETs or *SURFACEs but the node and element numbers appear to be the same as in the original .inp file. Edit: the beso script can be made to export nodal loads and constraints. More details in the next comm…
  • Hi there Just an update: It works. I set up an analysis in Mecway to be run with Calculix, run the analysis, click "details", then the .inp file button which opens a .txt file which I then save as .inp. Then in the beso python script, which I open w…
  • Interesting, I'll have to give it a go. Drawing the 3D model will be easy as I'm using Solidworks for all of my CAD work now and are used to exporting STEP files to analyze in Mecway.
  • Nice to hear that it works. Could you clarify what you mean by running it directly on Calculix? I have only ever used Calculix with FreeCAD or Mecway as a user interface and are interested in if this could enable topology optimization using Mecway.
  • Great to have a .bat file posted. By reading how other people use them to automate tasks it seems to be something I need but I just never knew what a .bat file should be like.
  • It would be a time saver to be able to automatically generate pairs of named selections for pairs of faces on different parts that was closer than some specified tolerance. It would make it so much faster to apply contacts after having imported a bu…
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