Hi every one, I've finally launched my first dynamic response analysis with a seismic spectra (T(s) vs Acceleration (ms-²)).
I have some trouble with beam release which it's not allowed with this kind of analysis but why is it not possible (maybe g…
Thanks a lot Victor, for the future version of the software maybe another method for the beam release for the beams which are not compliant with the global axes for these one we can't use constraint equations.
Thanks you Victor, it worked perfectly. One last question, the beam releases can be managed by two methods :
-using hinges with the flexible joint on beams methods
-using contraints equation only on ux/uy/uz which means that the other dof are free t…
Thanks Victor, in order to be sure I send the model once again with constraint equation and hinges. With or without hinges the issue is the same with this error message from MW when I run the case 1:
00:00 Start 18:33:39 .
00:03 Allocating matrix
Another question arise, how to deals with multiple nodes to constraint?
For exemple 4 elements can share 4 nodes at the same position (x,y,z). How to deals with constraint equation in that case? We have to choose a master node to link with the 3 oth…
Hello, Victor, I've performed the connection between nodes with constraint equation this way for exemple on the liml file(nodes 61 which is the master and 82 the slave):
@Victor, yes you guess it right, I actually use scripting (VBA6, and Python + xl librairies) in order to automate pre processing (geometries, loading, loadcases) it's unaccurate for loading and it don't take into account hinges releases (i'm not a g…
Thank you Victor, in my model there's a lot of connections between beams.
Is there a way to spot nodes which shares the same position?
How do you manage constraint equation with these nodes?
Hi everyone, I want to perform an spectrum analysis according to the EuroCode with MecWay/CCX. I can't use simplified method for this case. Is it possible to perform response spectrum analysis combined with modal analysis with SRSS combination?
Second try some words were missing.
Hi every one I am struggeling with the same kind of problems. I mean multiple loadcases studies with Steel frames according to EuroCode standards. I had made a lot of improvements to create liml xml …
Hi every one I am struggeling with the same kind of problems. I mean multiple loadcases studies with Steel frames according to EuroCode standards. I had made a lot of improvements to create liml xml file with the help of python librairie ( lxml for…