Structured mesh

what is the best approach/workflow to make a structured mesh along holes?
This question because I want to replicate the following plate

I've already tried with automatic mesh & points refinement, what I got is here

Then I found the command "Plate mesh" that allows to create a square with circular hole in a structured mesh

So I modified the cad geometry, I put squares boundary edges for the both holes

and the genereted the automatic mesh

I made the plate mesh with the command and moved where I needed

The nodes along the edges are not connected and even with the "merge" command I got disconnected holes

I expected to get something like this

do you have any suggestions?
Thank you


  • Rhino has a great function called quadremesh -for 2d meshes like this it works nicely
  • Thanks for the reply, it's an exceptional result but, not having the Rhino license, I would like to do everything in mecway.
  • within MW u can use customised comands for gmsh - paste the following into the "custom Gmesh commands" in meshing parameters and u will get a reasonable 2d mesh

    Mesh.Algorithm = 11;
    Mesh.ElementOrder = 2;
    Mesh.RecombinationAlgorithm = 3;
    Mesh.RecombineAll = 1;
    Mesh.SubdivisionAlgorithm = 1;
    Mesh.SurfaceFaces = 1;

    it may be possible to tweak the comands to get a better mesh but this is what I get with the above Gmesh comands

  • I 4got to add that sometimes u get better structured meshes (certianly in gmesh) if u partition the piece into 3 and 4 sided sections - slice them in ur CAD program and re-join them b4 exporting.

    then try these gmesh comands

    then i get something like this

  • @ing515:

    • Your original "automatic & point refined" mesh actually looked pretty nice, for my purposes.
    • I think your merging issues occurred because the element count along the edges of the Hole Plate mesh & block-out did not match.
    • The manual meshing in MW takes a few minutes to set up. A better result is found if the perimeter element counts are compatible. "Refine/Custom" and tools are useful. (Easier for me to work in linear elements then convert to quadratics at the last, improve by Project to Cylinder.) See attached images.
    • Maybe give the Hole Tool a shot?

    @Fatmac: Very nice Gmesh & Rhino mesh examples!

  • Thank you very much for your precious help
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