prospective home-user / inquiry

Hi All,

I haven't purchased this product (yet), so I have not had the opportunity to 'play'... Apologies of the answer is self-evident within the software suite.

My question is, what software and methods are available to introduce mesh refinement in Mecway?

Thank you,
-J Eppinga


  • Hello J Eppinga

    If you're starting from a STEP file, you can define spherical and surface refinements that get applied when you generate the mesh. You can also specify a global maximum element size.

    For any mesh, there's a Refine x2 tool which does local refinement on selected nodes/faces/elements, or global refinement. The local refinement is subdivisions and using templates to replace adjacent elements with transition mesh.

    There are also some other refinement tools like Mesh tools -> Refine -> Custom which allows you to choose a different level of refinement in each direction.

    Finally, there's Unrefine x2 which reverses the effect of Refine x2 only in cases with no transition mesh, such as global refinement.
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