Mecway API - manipulate programatically


I am interested in the software but I have never used it. I wanted to know how much of the software's features are accessible through an API -say a C# api.

Thank you,


  • There's no complete API. But there is:

    Python API for scripts run from Mecway that currently covers:
    • Simple operations on nodes and elements
    • Read data from the solution
    • Measurement tools that integrate over elements or faces
    • Read the current selection
    • Solve (with no progress indication)
    • Save

    For complete control over the contents of a model, you can edit the .liml file, which is text-based XML format, possibly combined with running the solver using the command line parameter so it doesn't require interaction.
  • For Python users, there is a nice XML parser built in that makes quick work of manipulating Mecway models files.
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