I want to read frd results I get from cxx (running was not in mecway) to mecway, in case of assembly, how can I see the part separation.
In cgx I can do separation or upload two files at the same time
"cgx results.frd input.inp"
Thank you,


  • Mecway doesn't have a proper exploded view, but there's View -> Open cracks which makes each separate part shrink to reveal the gaps between them.

    I'm not sure what cgx results.frd input.inp does but if you want both files open at the same time in Mecway, you can open the .frd file first, then use File -> Import to import the .inp file. Beware that Mecway isn't very good at opening .inp files with lots of loads and constraints.
  • edited April 2020
    Hi Victor,
    thanks a lot for the answer,
    I have an assembly with the contact, and I want to see results of one part out of a few, if I do a mecway analysis I can hide components, but if I upload ccx results I see one component, which is basically all assembly and I can't separate it into parts.
  • I see. That's a bit tricky. Mecway only brings the component information over to the solution when it's solving. You could try to fool Mecway into thinking your .frd file is the one from its own CCX solution and getting it to "solve". When you use CCX from within Mecway, it deletes any existing .frd file before running CCX, so you might need a little batch file or something as a substitue for ccx.exe which copies your .frd file instead of actually running CCX.

    The default location of the .frd file used by Mecway is %temp%/MecwayInstance#########/ccx where ######### are random digits. Or you can set it to be the same location as the .liml file in Tools -> Options - CalculiX.
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