New to MecWay

I have used LISA sporadically in the past and now using MW. I find that both LISA and now MW have trouble importing and meshing my STEP files. I used gmsh to mesh and have a couple of questions. It seems that gmsh saves the mesh in mm. When I bring it into MW it asks for the units and in one of the files the length in mm was 2900 mm. If I say the units are inches, the length in MW measures 2900 inches. My question here is, if I the scale this by multiplying by 0.03937 will the results be correct? Question 2: I meshed another model with gmsh and brought it into MW and gmsh output it as tri3 elements which MW doesn’t like. How can I get past the tri3 problem?


  • 1) Yes, you can scale it like that. It might still appear as 114.173 inches afterwards but you can just change the display units to get back to 2900 mm.

    2) Either:
    • Use the CCX solver (Analysis settings -> CCX) or
    • convert to Tri6 (Mesh tools -> Change element shape -> Tri6) or
    • generate the mesh with 6-node triangles in Gmsh. This is the best way because it will retain the curvature of individual elements.
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