I am having difficulty setting forces. My model imports fine from a step file. It meshs fine. Except the mesh pattern does not allow for accurate force placement. I want to apply a pressure on a disc but the mesh is too coarse because the load is not near an edge.
How can I add node points, ideally a circle, and Remesh?
A couple of options:
1) Add the circle as a split face using CAD software. Then the automesher will place nodes along its edge.
2) Move nearby nodes into the shape of a circle. Select the nodes around the circle and use Mesh tools->Fit to sphere/cylinder/cone. You might also need to add a local refinement in this region (under the Geometry branch of the outline tree, right click the .step file name -> New local refinement)and remesh to get enough nodes in that area. I don't recommend this method because the circle will be lost whenever you regenerate the mesh.
Edit: Thanks Sergio. Didn't see your reply!