ZZs1 plot with cyclic symmetry

I'm modelling a brake drum with cyclic symmetry using CCX solver.
Most of the variables plots are good, but several Zienkiewicz-Zhu stresses are only plotted in one segment.
I use a formula to estimate ZZ error: abs(ZZs1-s1)
and in 4 segments ZZs1 is zero, so the formula gets a wrong result.


  • That's an odd omission. I'll get Mecway to generate the data for the other segments if it's safe. I'm wondering if perhaps there's a reason CCX doesn't do it.
  • Hello German. Unfortunately, I won't add this feature to the next Mecway. It turns out it's complicated and a bit risky to try to decide which nodes belong to the additional cyclic symmetry segments, especially since there could be more than one. Though that's currently not available through the GUI.
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