Check Duplicate Element

Halo Victor,

Is there a way to perform checking for duplicate element in Mecway?
I use copy function in mecway (Mesh tools -> Copy), but it seems it creates 2 elements in copied element using the same node. In my case: beam member. I repeatedly delete the element to make it only 1 element to remove the duplicate.

I tried to reproduce the problem, but other than this, I think function for checking duplicate element in Mecway will be good.

Thank you


  • It's on my list but not yet done, sorry. What I do is turn on Show element numbers and when you see illegible digits on top of each other, it indicates multiple elements there.

    Move/copy can cause this if you don't select anything first. Selecting nothing causes it to use all elements so it copies the entire mesh, which is probably what you want, but if you then press Apply a second time, it copies the new elements as well as the original ones, leading to duplicates if you don't adjust the distances appropriately.
  • Thanks Victor.

    I was really impressed with structural checking that are provided by software Staad Pro.
    It ensures that our model is validated correctly. I think some of them will be helpful if implemented in Mecway.

    You can check the details here:
  • There are ways to do some of those other checks:

    Duplicate nodes: Merge with a tolerance of 0 and see if the total node count changes. Or use View -> Open cracks to help look for unintentional duplicate nodes.

    Show orphan nodes: Select all elements, change to Select nodes mode, then use Edit -> Invert selection. Any orphan nodes will now be selected.

    Zero length members: Automatically shown with a red X.

    Solids with negative volume: Automatically shown with a red X and by solver.
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