I am currently doing a 3D non-linear analysis on a rotor blade. Non-linear is needed because the tip deflections are large and the centrifugal force offers a large "stiffening" force that increases with blade deflection, due to the increase in the angle between the deflected blade and the centrifugal force (the centrifugal force is computed elsewhere and entered in the model as a static force ). The simulations work very well, but now we need to add dynamic lift loading to the blade. I plan to use the 3D dynamic response, and I was wondering if the 3D dynamic response will still handle the large deflections and the varying angle of the static centrifugal force properly? Thanks for your help.
No, the dynamic response analysis type in Mecway is currently linear only. With v3, you could export to .inp and solve with CalculiX though. In that case you'd probably need to make some edits to the .inp file manually but the mesh, material definitions and some load types would get exported automatically.
In case you just need to use a fixed, deformed blade for dynamic response, you could use Mesh tools -> Transfer displacements from solution to deform the mesh.
i'm just curious, being new to mecway, is the transfer to displacements option new in v3 or did it exist in early versions of mecway? i am trying it out in the v3 beta and it is awesome.
I exported the file to a Calculix .inp file. Mesh and material came over fine, but it looks like the loads are not making it over. Working on coming up to speed on Calculix. Thanks.
I realize this is beyond the scope of this forum, but any help would be appreciated. I ported the file to Calculix but I can only display displacement. Stress is not being saved to the file. Any ideas why this might happen. Below is the STEP section. "ext_force(10)" is defined earlier. Deflection appears to work properly, I just can't get stress data to be saved.
Thanks for pointing me to Calculix. I wrote a script to generate my mesh and my amplitude profiles. The input deck turned out to be about 47,500 lines. The simulation seems to be yielding reasonable results although the graphical display I am using is quite quirky. Any chance you can add dynamic non-linear to the Mecway package?
It can't yet import results from CalculiX but I expect to have that in v4. There is an option in the labs menu for solving directly from Mecway though. This just streamlines the process if you don't need to make manual edits to the .inp file.
Tools -> Options, Tick the "Labs" check box in the bottom corner.
Tools -> Labs -> CalculiX solver
Tools -> Options -> CalculiX, fill in the form.
Now the Solve button also has a CalculiX option
I realize the amplitude tables can be saved quite inefficiently (duplicated for each node, etc). Do you think this will cause problems in your work?
For v4 if Mecway can read the results of CalculiX, can we be able to define material non-linearity? I bring waiting for the feature because most of the time when vonMises stress exceed material yield, the maximum stress is no longer real for linear material. With material nonlinearity, we can say what is really the max. stress