Default component - where do newly created elements collect (once Default has been deleted)?

Hi Victor,
I'm manually creating new quad4 elements using Mesh tools > Create > Element and they don't show up as I move on to creating the next element. I can find the elements by Edit > Select elements by number and referring to the total number of elements as a guide or I can Components & Materials > Show all.
Given the new ability to delete the Default Component, I had already done this; is this a permanent side effect of deleting Default? I have tried manually recreating the Default component but this doesn't restart collecting the new elements; is there a trick for editing the .liml file that would restart the default behaviour. I wondered whether the elements would collect in the currently displayed component but I couldn't make this happen.
Could the Default component be automatically recreated to collect the new elements (and collect new elements)?


  • edited March 2019
    It's arbitrary. That's a good point that it should follow something predictable. I'm not sure what though. There might not be any currently selected one. Maybe it can just remember the most recently selected one.

    If you're editing the .liml file, then it's the first component (elset element) that appears. You can cut and paste them to change their order.
  • Victor,
    Thank you for your comments, I will test the position of Default within the .liml file.
    The most difficult aspect was that the new elements did not display.
    Could the logic be as follows? If the new element is connected to an existing mesh then add elements to same component (display is ok), else if not connected and Default exists then collect new elements in Default (and show Default to ensure display), else recreate Default and collect new elements there (show Default).
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