I am trying to do a transient thermal analysis on a very simple model. It sort of simulates what will happen during the heating cycle of a thermal stress relieve.
A rectangular bar 100 x 100 x 500 mm.
A ramped temperature load on the one end.
Convective heat loss on the other end
No heat flux through the long sides.
The funnies I get are:
The temperature drops instead of increases and converges to 0 deg C in stead of 300 deg C.
The temperature oscillates near the heated end.
Any help will be appreciated.
Strange! It looks like it might be reading your temperature (specified in °C) in K. I changed the units here to K and added 273 to each temperature and the results are more sensible, I think.
Loads and Constrains table is reading temperature values in K when should be Cº.
It is clearly seen for time step t0 of solution
Time dependent values defined by a table for:
It does not affect formulas, constant values, the time unit in tables, other loads or constraints, or temperature in mechanical analysis (for thermal stress).