Axis System with Step

Hi Guys,

I try to import parts from step format. The parts come from the same assembly, and parted for Mecway to improve the meshing.
When importing them, the parts are on the wrong position, because Mecway does not take the axis system where the parts are referred in the Alibre Design assembly.
Is there a possibility to change the axis system in Mecway or influence on which axis system positions are based?

Very thanks and regards, Roland


  • Roland, in my experience with Solidworks or Solidedge, if I model the components in the origin of coordinates, and then create an assembly with the right position, then if I export the parts from the assembly, they will be exported "in assembly position" and not in the "desing position".

    Reposition the parts in Mecway is possible by moving the mesh, but probably will be necessary several operations.
  • Hi Sergio,

    thanks for your comment. It seems it is not a thing about Mecway. Any how AD does not give the right axis systems in the step file. I try out something in AD.
  • Build your assembly. Leave unsuppressed only one component and export it as a step file. Make the same for all components of your assembly (only one at time). Import on Mecway one componet at time. All components will be placed correctly

  • Hi Andrea,

    thanks for your advise. The problem was with AD. It depends on the sequence you build the assembly to get right position information.

    Regards Roland
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