Hi Guys,
I am totally new with Mecway and not very familiar with FEM. I would like to do static calculations on big welded sheet metal and four cornered shafts. (See some example attached). I want to get a volume mesh on it without special preparing of the model for the calculation. Netgen cannot generated a mesh on it, and Gmsh does completely crash the windows system.
Does anybody know if there is a possibility to mesh such geometries?
Thanks for feedback and regards, Roland
thanks very much! The mesh looks really good for what I want to do. Can you please tell me how you managed to mesh it?
Regards, Roland
For this kind of geometry I would mesh it as surface elements with mostly quads and then extrude to create hexas, two or three along the thikness.
I tried to contact two intersecting bodies in a simple model, but it did not work.
Also by merging the parts into one solid netgen doesn ´t work. Is there any possibility to get Gmsh working?
I´m not sure, try changing the tolerance zone
I tried to contact two intersecting bodies in a simple model, but it did not work.
Maybe this answer the first one. But why not just fix the CAD to get the right geometry?
Also by merging the parts into one solid netgen doesn ´t work. Is there any possibility to get Gmsh working?
I was able to merge the bodies in Salome 8.3 (Fuse is the boolean option) and then create a conformal mesh, but again, in my opinion this mesh is not accurate, you need more elements in thikness and with tets the model will be excesively big.
For nonlinear analysis, you have to use TIE which is OK for small intersections and you need to set the tolerance value as Sergio said.
To do fast calculations on concepts of such welded assemblies it would be great to get automatic mesh without manual preparation. I now got the assembly meshed after merging the bodies together. Now I will trie to get the complete structrure meshed.
What is your experience on Netgen and Gmsh?
Thanks for your advises. I tried out some things the last nights, and killed my illusion to get the mesh simple on the assembly.
I tried out Salome and worked with explode, fuse and partion (its a bigger one than the step data above), but I did not get a mesh on the optimized solid with Salome or Mecway. There must be still a lot of failures in.
Another way would be to mesh the parts singular in Mecway. When I have for example to plates welded that are not in a 90° angel, I make the goemetry a bit bigger than in reality to get an intersection. But I could not fit them together in a proper way with "merge". Its almost impossible to create the geometry with all contacts plane to each other, to bring them together with "bonded contact".
Is there ananother way to bring the meshes of different parts that are intersecting in Mecway together?
really nice! Maybe a strange question, but where can I find the TIE function in Mecway?