I'm trying to verify a system composed by 3 components.
I have meshed 3 different components (that have the same mechanical properties), applied the constrain and loads.
The 3 components are indipendent but in contact one to each others. The load are applied to 2 components and the third is subject to reactions coming from the other 2. Some nodes of one components are in comune with the others.
If I mantain the 3 components indipendent how I can simulate the contact between one to ther others? If I do not insert any contact the condition it's like an unic components?
I have also generate one global component that contain all 3 components and the result seem good.
I appreciate your evaluable feedback.
This is a difficult problem if the different meshes don't have the same pattern of nodes and faces on their connecting surfaces.
Being "components" in the outline tree has no effect on their connectedness. They should share the same nodes to be connected. Depending on the geometry, you might be able to do this by making one component first, then extruding the others from its faces. Otherwise you could generate the entire model as a single part.
Perhaps you can upload the liml file or a screenshot to give a clearer idea of what's happening?
I have generated a 2D mesh of complete system. Later I have revolve to obtain a 3D model in 2 different way:
1 option - one revolve of complete mesh
2 option - 2 separate revolve (3 components).
I expected to obtain same result since node configuration, constrain and loads are the same but I have obtained 2 different result.
I have sent to you file on private message.
Please have a look and give me your evaluable feedback.