Incompatible constraints

I keep getting errors like " Error: incompatible constraints on node 65" when I try to run this model, but can't figure out why. Can someone please help? I've tried suppressing constraints until the error goes away, then adding one back, running, and repeating. Just when I think it's going to work, I get another incompatible constraints error. 


  • This is because there are nodes on the slave surface of a bonded contact which are also slaves or other bonded contacts or constraints. The slave nodes aren't allowed to be part of any other constraint.

    You could work around this by removing one element face (edge) closest to the corner where it's shared by another constraint. Shown in the attached picture.

    Another way is to extrude a thin layer of elements outwards from some edges, so you create a new edge in approximately the same location but which is not shared by anything else.

  • I removed the element faces as you suggested and the model runs fine now. Thanks for your help again!
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