Issue using Refine Mesh for Beam Elements (v6.0)

I have a model consisting entirely of beam elements.  In V5.0, I was able to select a single beam element, and then use the mesh refine tool to divide only that element into several elements.

In V6.0, I tried to do the same thing, and I found that the refine is affecting more than just the selected element.  In some cases it was affecting all beam elements, and in others it was affecting elements adjacent to the selected elements.

Perhaps this is a bug in V6.0, or maybe the process to do this has changed.  It would be nice to be able to do it the way it was in V5.0



  • This is a design change that comes with the improvement of the Refine x2 tool which now properly creates transition elements between the refined and unrefined regions. A side effect is that beams get this "transition" mesh too so that their refinement maintains compatibility with any solid or shell elements they might be sharing nodes with.

    For the next version (7), I'll try to find a solution that allows both uses.

    For now, you can use the original behavior through Tools -> Labs -> Refine x2 simple. If the labs menu isn't there, turn it on in Tools -> Options -> General.

  • Thank you Victor.  That makes perfect sense, and I am glad there is a work around (I opened the model in V5 before seeing your fix).

    I can appreciate the new merge tool, as it is useful for the type of beam and shell models I work with. 

    Thanks again. 

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