Error opening liml file after manually editing.

I have tried to manually change some info in the attached file and now it won't open in Mecway.
Reporting object reference not set to an instance of an object..

How do I debug it to find where the error is within the liml file.
Would be useful if the message provide the location , i.e. line number & character position.

Also is there a specific order that the entries in the file have to follow?



  • There's not much error checking of the liml files because it assumes they were written by Mecway or LISA.

    You can debug it in a general way by deleting parts of the file until the error goes away. Most items are optional except where they're referred to by others (eg don't delete a named selection if a load uses it). In this case, I deleted the solution, loads and named selections, elements and nodes in that order. That revealed that the problem was in the nodes. Then I deleted the last half of the nodes, the last half of what remained, etc until a mistake appeared where node 106 should be:

      <node nid="0.06" x="0.0599290941632794" y="-0.0493025791506137" z="-0.081" />

    This incorrect node ID seems to appear every 100 nodes.

    I don't think the order of any XML elements matters but there could be a few exceptions.

  • thanks, not sure how that happened, I though i had done a and replace for ".06" with "0.06" in notepad++ and some how that must have done it.
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