Installing CalculiX

Hi Guys,

I thought I'd start trying to play around with CalculiX and have hit a bit of a snag. I installed the bConverged version and then tried to run the PipeClip.liml example. I then get the ccx.exe system error message (picture attached). I reinstalled CalculiX but the same happens.

Are there any other things that need to be done before installing CalculiX or running a simulation?

I'm running Windows 7 SP1. Perhaps someone else has run into this problem...

Kind regards,



  • It's because some environment variables aren't set. Either:

    - Use ccx.bat that's installed along with CalculiX, rather than ccx.exe. Beware that with a batch file, if you shut down Mecway while CCX is running, it can continue running silently in the background.

    - Copy those dll files from their locating in the CalculiX installation folder to the same one as ccx.exe

    - Set the environment variable(s) yourself in Windows

    - Use the older 2.8p2
  • Great, thanks Victor.

    I'll give that a try.

  • Hi Victor,

    I installed the older 2.8p2 and all is working perfectly.

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