Windowing Icons


Would it be possible to add the pan option to the toolbar. Also, I don't see a way to zoom by a box that you would click with the mouse. Something like Rhino has.


  • Right mouse button pans. If that's not comfortable, you can change it to the middle button in Tools -> Options. The main reason for the rotate and zoom buttons being on the toolbar is for people with no mouse wheel or middle button, such as a trackpad.

    It used to have window zoom but it didn't seem very useful. Can you give some details on why that would be better than mouse wheel zoom or +/- keys?
  • I didn't know +/- zoomed. That may be useful, I will have to see. I do like the way you have the mouse configured currently. I use a laptop with no middle button and I don't use the trackpad as a wheel, but maybe you could. The reason I requested the two icons in the toolbar is that I need to zoom in very far into one particular area and it would be a lot easier with the box zoom. You are right that the pan button isn't that useful since you can pan with the mouse. But the idea was once you used the box zoom icon to zoom way in then you could use the pan button to move around a little to center things up.
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