Version 5 Icon Size on 1080p at 150% Scaling

edited May 2016
Victor, I just had a chance to try version 5 on my laptop and the icons on top are blurry and so large now and also the triad is large compared to the previous version (the tree is still good). Not sure if I'm the only one. 1080p at 150% scaling on Windows 10 Pro. Thanks


  • That's how it is in version 5. These items are only getting scaled by multiples of 100%, so they don't scale smoothly with the DPI setting. In previous versions, they didn't scale at all. Now they jump up to double size with 150-250% DPI, triple size with 250%-350%, etc.

    You can delete the Mecway.exe.manifest file in the program's installation folder. Then Windows should treat it as being unable to scale itself, and leave everything at the original small size or do pixel scaling to keep everything in proportion but blurry. This should be the same behavior as version 4.

    Another option is to set a custom scaling in Windows to 149% under Advanced display settings. Since that's below Mecway's 150% threshold for doubling the icon sizes, they'll be small.
    edited May 2016
    Victor, setting a custom scaling in Windows to 149% got the icons smaller than what I had in Version 4 (which was a great size) but this is okay for now. Thanks
  • screenshot. hopefully there would be a fix later.
  • Victor, my apologizes: setting a custom scaling in Windows of 149 got the icons the same as what I had in version 4. Thanks.
  • OK. Sorry for all the hoops you've had to jump through. The scaling will be more uniform in the next version and it will probably double the size of graphics items above 150% but not at 150%. I see from your feedback that that's too big of a jump.
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