Mecway 28

Mecway 28 is now available at the link below and includes the Spanish language manual translated by Germán Bresciano.


Exploded view
Open cracks view keeps more other controls enabled, doesn't change the view settings, and doesn't allow dragging nodes.
Delete all for initial conditions
Input file editor for OpenRadioss separate from CCX
Solver messages can be saved with the model (Saved monitor).
Split STEP assembly is faster and creates smaller files for big assemblies.
Bug fixes

Internal solver
2-node gap element without initial clearance

2-node gap element with initial clearance
Removed End time parameter from Regular time points

Tie contact
Elastic unilateral and bonded contact
Flexible joint on beam (rotational DOF release)
Field guide for OpenRadioss material

Optional unit parameter added to and mw.import_file()

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