I have an extrusion model that I have tried to mesh from the STEP file with no real success. So to get a good model I decided to import a DXF, do a 2D mesh and then extrude. However, when I do the 2D meshing it meshes over the internal cavities (see attached). Is there any way to avoid this happening?
Ideally I would like to be able to mesh the STEP file but I have little success in that regard. I can get NETGEN to give me a mesh that has a couple bad elements, but I would really like a mesh in Mecway so I can use faces for my constraints. Right now I would be happy to get the DXF to mesh properly. Thanks.
To move the elements to a new component, select them, right click one, then click "Add elements to new component".
This mesh in my opinion will have the best elements shape and will be less elements than meshing directly with tetra elements.
Would be very usefull an option to mesh onlys selected faces of solid parts.