Hello Victor,
I would greatly appreciate your guidance on handling shell elements in Mecway. I may lack sufficient expertise in working with shell models. I have imported a pre-meshed shell model consisting of three plates but struggle to stitch or bind them together for further analysis. How can I manage independent shell element connections with varying thicknesses within Mecway?
You can fuse the faces in CAD and export as one step file, and then mesh with coincident nodes to replace the Contact/Bonded boundary condition.
If you want to use the CCX solver, choose TIE as the option in the Contact bc and use an adecuated position tolerance
By the way, you have meshed the part with coincident nodes! You only need to stich all of them with an adecuated position tolerance such as 1mm and don´t need to use any contact bc! See the last picture
There were some issues reported for this model + Offset.