Nodes From Old Geometry Appear in Analysis

Good evening,

I'm not asking how to make this converge, but some contextual information......My project won't converge, and I've de-featured and dumbed the geometry down to a point where it is no longer a valid analysis, just to see if convergence is a mythological beast or not. The static analysis of this completes, and displays a reasonable solution. I'm using version 23. Meshed imported geometry from CAD for CCX nonlinear analysis.

The status bar at the bottom reports many more nodes than appear to exist in the mesh of what is basically 1/8 of a hollow spheroid. I happened to click on Select Nodes, and a ton of old nodes appeared from geometry that no longer exists...some of it quite old (see screen shot). That blue area....1/8 of the model should exist. All of that solid red represents long ago deleted geometry. So, I figure that it's time to start over with a fresh file. But first, a few questions about the extra nodes.

Is this at all normal/typical?
How does this happen / how can I avoid recurrence?
Is there a more direct/simple way to clean this up than starting over?



  • That's certainly not normal. I'm not sure what could have caused it. Maybe Move/copy of faces, deleting elements with CTRL+DEL, or quadratic quad dominant shell meshes with Gmsh which generates midface nodes, and then remeshing which generates more midface nodes.

    You can probably use Mesh tools -> Delete unused nodes to clean it up in one click.
  • Yes, Delete Unused Nodes worked. And the reported node count went down 80%. Now I can move forward. I'll keep an eye out for recurrence, and report the circumstance or cause if I can figure it out.

    Thank you!
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