Using Mesh Tools->Create->Curve Generator + Automesh2D

Newbie question:

I am trying to mesh a 2-D cross section that I will later extrude to create the 3-D model. I have used the curve_generator option to create several lines and curves to define the outer boundary. I then use merge_nearby_nodes to eliminate the redundant nodes at the intersections. I've then been using View->Open_cracks to confirm everything is merged and there are no gaps in the boundary definition.

When I try to run Mesh_Tools->Automesh2d (all default parameters), I'm consistently getting the error message "more than 2 line elements share a node", but this does not appear to be the case from the graphical display.

1. I've tried breaking the cross section into regions, each bounded by only 4 entities (lines, arcs, etc) but I still get the same error message.
2. I've tried using only straight lines (no arcs) - same message.

I must be doing something wrong. Suggestions welcome.


    edited January 2016
    For a single node, you can't have more than two lines connecting to it. I just replicated the case with more than two lines connecting to a single and had the same message. Once I delete the third line, there's no more message. Your shape also need to be a close-shaped and be on X-Y plane for the 2D automesher. Also check to make sure that you do not have two elements/lines overlapping if you don't see three lines to a single node in your modeling. There a icon with a drop down window to show only node numbers, element numbers, and both.

    Try giving FreeCAD a try for modeling. It's also very useful in modeling complex geometry later on and it's free.
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