Hydration thermal effect of large-volume concrete using Mecway

Can Mecway's thermal-structural coupling analysis function realize the analysis of the hydration thermal effect of large-volume concrete? Thanks a lot.


  • Thermomechanical coupling is described in the manual. If you wan't trully multiphysics analysis then Elmer or Agros2D can help (the second one has such analysis as an exercise).
  • Thank you. Also, I wonder if Mecway supports the definition of time and temperature dependent material properties (e.g. development of strength, elastic modulus)?
  • You can define a temperature dependent material by entering the *MATERIAL keyword block in Material properties -> CCX. See the CCX manual for details of how to write that.

    For time dependence without temperature dependence, you can use temperature as a variable that equals time (with a time-dependent temperature on the elements) and again make a temperature dependent variable.
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