Can Mecway's thermal-structural coupling analysis function realize the analysis of the hydration thermal effect of large-volume concrete? Thanks a lot.
Thermomechanical coupling is described in the manual. If you wan't trully multiphysics analysis then Elmer or Agros2D can help (the second one has such analysis as an exercise).
Thank you. Also, I wonder if Mecway supports the definition of time and temperature dependent material properties (e.g. development of strength, elastic modulus)?
You can define a temperature dependent material by entering the *MATERIAL keyword block in Material properties -> CCX. See the CCX manual for details of how to write that.
For time dependence without temperature dependence, you can use temperature as a variable that equals time (with a time-dependent temperature on the elements) and again make a temperature dependent variable.
For time dependence without temperature dependence, you can use temperature as a variable that equals time (with a time-dependent temperature on the elements) and again make a temperature dependent variable.