No rotational degrees of freedom are allowed in nodes of MPC’s in which no knot was created. For that reason, Equation doesn’t work with rotational DOFs of beams.
Some posts ago I suggested a way to induce knots on beams, but it has the drawback that creation of dummy elements is required.
There is another option which doesn’t need them based on this comment on the manual:
- A node leads to a knot if a rotation or a moment is applied in the node (only for dynamic calculations).
One needs to create a first Dummy Dynamic Step imposing a zero rotation on the nodes of interest. Then the knot is created, which is later available for the next Static Step.
Mecway warning about “Rotational DOF do not apply to beam or shell elements with the ccx solver” is sorted out.
Hopefully Victor finds a way to implement this.
That's the one the user wants to release.