Will not solve quasi-static


I am attempting to wrap a film around a wire. I can solve the structure without quasi-static but once I try to time iterate with quasi-static, it can not converge.

I would like to set the node rotation value to "10*t" and attempt the wrapping. But just can't figure out why it won't converge.

Any ideas?



  • I believe I've been able to get it to solve by changing the time step to something small (0.01s) and maximum time step to 0.01s.
  • What I did:
    • Changed the tension force from nodes to faces to make it uniform.
    • Adjusted the X position of one side of the film's nodes so the elements are square, not parallelogram. This might not have been needed.
    • Ramped the tension force and the pressure.
    • Added CCX -> no extra contact step.

  • i played around with the model a little- did away with the pressure and attached the film to the wire - may be not a very elegant solution but it sort of worked. Once a full wrap is on i added contact from one side of the film to the other
  • video of out put
  • Fun problem. I increased the density, used symmetry, changed where the roll starts.
    I had trouble wrapping the wrap as it came full circle, I think this would take some clever time stepping.

  • JohnM, this looks really nice! Would you mind explaining how you used symmetry?
  • Not sure if it was @JohnM or Sergio who posted many years ago the idea of self-contact. It works very well in this case.
    One needs one contact for the initial Strip , Cilinder, and a second contact with itself once the first turn has roll. Don’t overlap master or slave surfaces.

  • Hi disla, this looks really nice! Would you mind posting your input?
  • By cutting the model in half and holding the cut surface in the X-direction (I think that was the direction), you essentially get a "mirror image" result. It cuts down on model size. Modeling your thin film with a single linear hex8 through the thickness is too stiff in bending. I will usually try using the c3d8i formulation (this can be changed in ccx options - also read the calculix manual about element types). But these and the 20-noded hexes don't always behave. So try to put at least 2 elements through the thickness.

    @disla - I'd like to see that model as well, please post, looks awesome!
  • @disla, I'm unable to access the site. Are you able to attach the liml file?
  • edited June 2024
    Anyone got any ideas why my film is bouncing around like the wind is blowing on it?

    I found that if I suppress the "Film_to_Film" contact, the film does not flop around. So, I believe I may have the Film_to_Film contact setup wrong but I'm not sure in what way?
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