Transferring deformed - nodes don't match?!

I'm attempting to transfer a deformed solution but getting the error "the number of nodes in the solution doesn't match the model"

Any ideas on what's causing this and how to get around it?



  • it's probably a ccx expanded shell model. if so, you have to use the output=2d option to output the midplane. the issue there is the stress won't be correct. so ignore any stress when using output=2d.
  • That's usually what causes it, but in this case, it's an unused node (876). Nodes without elements don't go through to the solution in CCX so delete it before solving.
  • Victor, if I have a node-to-surface coupling with a "floating" node, is there a better way than deleting the node, transferring and remaking the node-to-surface coupling?
  • You can put a dummy element like a zero-stiffness spring on that node so CCX includes it in the solution.
  • I'm a bit new to the FEA world, can you explain how to do a zero-stiffness spring?
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